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windows MCP editor/client (was Re: Emacs as an editor)

I have a windows MOO client with a built in MCP editor that I've been using
for about six months, keep meaning to release it.  I just rewrote it in
win32, but I'll have the kinks out by the end of the week.

At 03:19 PM 1/15/96 PST, PILOSOF AVI wrote:
>At the risk of looking like even more of a newbie, I have to ask these 
>I was looking for a way to avoid using the built-in editor, and was pointed 
>towards the emacs script.
>I got the script, but since I know nothing of emacs, I cannot run it. The 
>comments in the file say:
>     "To use this code, simply load it and say M-x clpmud"
>I'm tipping that loading doesn't mean just opening the file in the emacs 
>I'm sorry for asking such questions on here, but I can't start programming 
>until I get a proper editing environment.
>Are there any other clients which can replace the editor? For Windows, Unix, 
jesse montrose <>
After seven years, I was sent home to my family.  Little man, I give
the watch to you.

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