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Re: wiz override of !x ?

>I'm fairly sure its on the wishlist, but is getting a wiz override of
>!x verbs possible? ie. making it so that wizperms ignore the x bit?
>I think this request has been around for a long time...

Please don't, at least not as a default.

I feel fairly strongly about this.  The behavior of "what happens when I call obj:verb(args)?" is the same for all users (although they may of course get different results).  I don't think that .wizard==1 should change this; I think my wizardly commands should do the same thing as everyone else.


should call the same verb regardless of who 'player' is, IMO.

Seth / Blackbriar---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Seth I. Rich -                         no, no quote.
Rabbits on walls, no problem.                          it's far too cold.

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