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Re: Panic dump

Actually, it wasn't the foolish variable name error after all.  I fixed it
and ran it again, and got the same panic.  This time it was essentially
the first thing I did upon entering the MOO.  So what's wrong with line 39 of

> 35: o = original;
> 36: while (valid(o))
> 37:   for name in (properties(o))
> 38:     if (!clear_property(o, name))
> 39:       if (this:has_property(duplicate, name))
> 40:         duplicate.(name) = o.(name);
> 41:       else
> 42:         add_property(duplicate, name, o.(name), property_info(o, name));
> 43:       endif
> 44:     endif
> 45:   endfor
> 46:   o = parent(o);
> 47: endwhile

??  this:has_property() is very short (essentially
$object_utils:has_property(), with scattering):

 1:  {o, prop} = args;
 2:  return prop in $system.builtin_props ? valid(o) | !!property_info(o, prop);

Sorry I can't seem to get a stack trace; let me know if you want other info.


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