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Re: RIP etc

>At 08:25 PM 2/18/96 -0700, Chris Jones wrote:
>>	I seem to remember that some people on [the former] World MOO 
>>were working on integrating RIP.  Is anyone on MOO-Cows one of those people?
>That would be me... I did many RIPterm graphic things on WorldMOO and at
>about the same coded it on MOO2000 as well as Paradigm.  I have long since
>given up, when both my home computer crashed and MOO2000...  I do know a
>thing or two about how it works, I might still have some RIPterm MOO
>programs ($rip_utils)...  I'll mail it if anyone is interested.

actually I believe it was Michael Swift (aka The Dark Lord) who did the
prototypes of this... think he's still working on his somewhere.

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