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Re: more questions

At 03:59 PM 2/21/97 PST, Mitch Haile wrote:
>>1) Type "help @lock". ie: @lock myobject with me
>>2) Type "help @property" ie: @prop $ 0 "r" #2   (or the # of
>>whoever owns it)
>But, if you want all children of $player to not be able to edit the
>property, then use ;$wiz_utils:set_propterty_owner($player, "money", "")
>after @prop $

What is this?  Wizards will always be able to edit properties, period.  The
@prop command is adequite; it will set the owner to the ArchWizard, and it
will NOT be owned by any of the children.  Don't use a string to set the
owner, the third argument should be the OBJECT that receives ownership...
and @prop already does it.

- Kipp
I'm sick of writing signatures.

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