MOO-cows Mailing List Archive


Re: The future of MOO

The question about the future of MOO and whether this technology is now 
dead, is one that has surfaced here on this list many times over the past 
three years that I have subscribed. Personally I feel that MOO is still a 
viable technology and will continue to be so for many years to come, IF 
people believe in it and continue to make it better. There are many 
reasons that support this claim. In academia, which is the sector I know 
best, MOOs have gained recognition on a scale that no other MU* 
technology has. The reason for this is that people associated with MOOs 
like MediaMOO, Diversity University and numerous others (see the 
GNA-Network) have championed the cause of bringing MOO in from the cold 
(no pun intended). Over the past three years I have seen a growing number 
of conference presentations, research papers and publications dealing 
with various aspects of MOO and it's use. All this groundwork now finally 
seems to pay off because administrators and others with money are finally 
starting to see the benefits of MOO. When we have gotten this far it is 
my opinion that we should close the ranks and not flee the ship.

I will not comment on whether Cold is a better server than MOO, except to 
say that unless there is an easy way to get an existing MOO database to 
run under Cold very few of those who run larger MOOs today are going to 
switch. Most MOOs that have been around for a while have too much 
invested in the database and user base to simply trash it and start over.

Jan@Lingua MOO

__Jan Rune Holmevik, Cand Philol_____________________________________
University of Bergen                             
Department for Humanistic Informatics
Sydnesplass 7, HF-bygget              
5020 Bergen, NORWAY              

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