MOO-cows Mailing List Archive



I don't know if this question has been asked before or not(sorry if it 
has), but I seem to be having problems sending out-bound mail from the 
MOO.  I can send it to machine the MOO is based on), but I 
cannot send it anywhere else.  If I type @forked to list the processes, I 
get a raww_sendmail ... Reading Input... that just sits there like that 
until I kill it.
-David Matovich
  ____             _    _        __  __   ___    ___  
 / ___| __ _  ___ | |_ | |  ___ |  \/  | / _ \  / _ \    David C. Matovich
| |    / _` |/ __|| __|| | / _ \| |\/| || | | || | | |  Gandalf - ArchWizard
| |___| (_| |\__ \| |_ | ||  __/| |  | || |_| || |_| | Head Programmer/Design
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