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Minor bug in task_stack

While experimenting with task_stack this afternoon I found that a
non-wizard received the error E_PERM when calling task_stack on a
forked (as opposed to suspended) task that e owns.  A wizard receives
E_INVARG on that same task, which is the correct error.

non-wiz case:
>;fork (100) player:tell("fork fired"); endfork
=> 0
[used 2 ticks, 0 seconds.]
Queue ID    Start Time            Owner         Verb (Line) [This]
--------    ----------            -----         ------------------
1386159508  Mar 13 18:51:23 1996  yduJ          #-1:Input to EVAL (5)
#-1:Input to EVAL, line 4:  Permission denied
... called from built-in function eval()
... called from #58:eval_cmd_string (this == #68), line 21
... called from #58:eval eval-d eval+d (this == #68), line 16
(End of traceback)

wiz case:
>;fork (100) player:tell("fork fired"); endfork
=> 0
[used 2 ticks, 0 seconds.]
>@forked me
Queue ID    Start Time            Owner         Verb (Line) [This]
--------    ----------            -----         ------------------
1939885406  Mar 13 18:52:15 1996  Nosredna      #-1:Input to EVAL (5)
#-1:Input to EVAL, line 4:  Invalid argument
... called from built-in function eval()
... called from #58:eval_cmd_string (this == #72), line 21
... called from #58:eval eval-d eval+d (this == #72), line 16
(End of traceback)

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