MOO-cows Mailing List Archive


Bug in @send in LambdaCore25Dec95.db

I've looked through the archives of MOO-COWS for the last year and found no
mention of this bug, so I thought I'd ask if someone has a fix for it.

I've brought LambdaMoo 1.8.0p1 up with LambdaCore25Dec95.db and started hacking
away what will eventually become UnderMOO, but I've found a bug that I've
not been able to fix.

After @send *player had been given the 'send' command, I get:

Mail actually sent to *Player-Creation-Log (#17)
#42:controls, line 3:  Invalid indirection
... called from #49:ok (this == #46), line 4
... called from #49:changed retain_session_on_exit (this == #46), line 1
... called from built-in function pass()
... called from #46:retain_session_on_exit, line 1
... called from #49:exitfunc (this == #46), line 2
... called from built-in function move()
... called from #56:moveto (this == #2), line 2
... called from #49:done q*uit pause (this == #46), line 9
... called from #46:send, line 41
(End of traceback)

The mail is then sent to the list without a problem.

Has anyone run into this before? Any comments would be appreciated.

--- Zach Metzinger (Succubus)

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