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Re: Pre-compiled MOO servers

At 10:44 AM 3/23/96 PST, Justin C Harris wrote:
>	Hi. I'm on a SunOS 4.1.3 machine, trying to put up a MOO. I do not
>have an ANSI C compiler, so I'm forced to get the binary from the ftp site
>  My question is
>after uncompressing the file, what do I do? I tried starting it like a 
>normal moo, but I got: MOO-1.8.0p2-ONC-SunOS413: Binary executable not in 
>system path. If anyone knows how to get it to work, or knows somewhere where
>I can find out, please e-mail me at Thanks.
Hm.. did you set the current directory in your $PATH? if not, you'll have to
either add the current dir (.) to your path or else start it up with ./moo

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