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Re: Me again

At 06:33 AM 25/11/96 PST, you wrote:
>    When i try to @dump an object, i only get the properties of the 
>object, and no verbs.
>    Any way to correct this?
>     Sergio Costa
You aren't far wrong...I've never noticed cause I never use it ;)
Anyways, modify $prog:@dump

Line 86: 
  v = tostr(0);
change to:
  v = 1;

Line 136:
  v = tostr(tonum(v) + 1);
change to:  
  v = v + 1;

Should work now :)
Anthony James Neilson                                
Student  - B.Maths \ B.Computer Science                   .-_|\
	 - University of Newcastle, Australia.           /     \
E-mail   -                      \.--._/<= about here!

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