1&1 speedster 14400

Johannes Knelangen (Johannes.Knelangen@t-online.de)
Tue, 27 Jan 1998 21:24:16 +0100

Hi folks,

this is a very important day in my life:
for the first time I´m sending a mail to this list ....

I´m using a "1&1 speedster 14400" modem and can use mgetty with this modem
for everything mgetty is supposed to do except for recieving faxes. Seems
strange to me, because the modem reports, that it can handle faxclass 2.
Even recompilation of mgetty with XON set in fax_rec.c (I think that was
the file) didn´t give better results.
So if anyone out there can give me hint - many thanks in advance.

By the way: Are there any specially recommendable modems for the use with
mgetty ?


Johannes Knelangen