Feature request for vgetty

Kurt Fitzner (bulk@nexus.v-wave.com)
Wed, 7 Oct 1998 02:48:51 +0200

I don't know exactly what to call this, except that it is a feature that some
Supra modems used to have.  It shouldn't be too hard to implement, though.

I have only one line, but would like to get faxes into my home oon my voice
line.  It would be nice if vgetty -always- answered the line, even after the
phone is picked up.  Most modems cannot detect when another phone has been
picked up, but they all know when the line stops ringing.

So, if the phone rings, but doesn't ring enough for vgetty to answer
normally, then as soon as it detects the ringing has stopped (say, 5 or 10
seconds after the last ring) have it pick up the line and just listen.  If it
hears a CNG tone, then it can go into fax mode right away.  If it doesn't
hear a CNG tone, then it can hang up after 10 seconds and reset. 

---                                                                    __
  Kurt Fitzner <kfitzner@nexus.v-wave.com>                            |_/\
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                   "Those who don't write back are subject to     /._ / /
                                        my deeseenteegratore."    \' ||\'