unmotivated hang-ups with vgetty
Kurt Garloff (garloff@kg1.ping.de)
Mon, 19 Oct 1998 09:52:59 +0200
On Thu, Oct 15, 1998 at 02:07:43PM +0200, Luca Olivetti wrote:
> By studying the log it turns out that it's not a vgetty problem, it's probably
> the new firmware that recognizes some voices as a dial tone, and notifies
> accordingly vgetty which promptly hangs up the line. In fact if *I* call in,
> my message will be recorded completely, if my wife calls or a (female) friend
> of her, the message is interrupted as soon as she starts speaking.
I made the same observation with my USR Prof. Message Plus and
mgetty-1.1.18/vgetty-0.9.0. My sister, having a rather high voice always
gets interrupted, whereas males never do.
Too bad my logfile doesn't tell me why.
10/07 18:34:18 dem reading ring_type ring configuration from config file /etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf
10/07 18:34:19 dem playing voice file /var/spool/voice/messages/standard.rmd
10/07 18:34:29 dem recording voice file /var/spool/voice/incoming/va22954.rmd
10/07 18:34:51 dem closing voice modem device
10/07 18:34:51 ##### message keep, length=00:00:22, name='', caller=none, dev=modem, pid=22954
So maybe, high voices are detected as silence on my modem. (Don't know
whether I should have seen DTMF message in the log, if it would have been
detected as such.)
Kurt Garloff, Dortmund
PGP key on http://student.physik.uni-dortmund.de/homepages/garloff