Faith/enough! (
Fri, 31 Jan 1997 23:59:36 -0800

Timothy wrote:

>This is the Heresey of the WoF.  They say we look like
>bears and we sound like bears therefore when we roar like
>Papa Bear the same thing will happen.
>Faith has been preverted by these people into some kind of

There is a book out by Dr. Frederick K.C. Price entitled "Faith,
Foolishness, or Presumption." In his book, he deals with what Faith is. He
also deals with people who act foolishly and presumptuously with it. I
really believe if you get a hold of his book, you'll truly understand how he
along with others believe it. You'll find that it's in harmony with the Word.

Also, there are two other books that expose the biased and unfair criticisms
against Word of Faith Believers. The first is called: "Heresy Hunters:
Character Assasination in the Church" by James Spencer. The second is called
"Christianity in Power" by Michael Bruno. Both of these books examine the
misunderstood beliefs held by WOF people. Such topics covered are: What
really is prosperity? Is "Faith a Force"? "Why Christians suffer" and other
topics we've discussed so far.

So if at all possible, try to obtain copies of these books, or at least get
the one by Dr. Price for an explanation of the Faith Message. His teachings
are so precise and simple, a child can understand it.

Dave <><