
MF Blume (mfblume@ns.sympatico.ca)
Sat, 01 Feb 1997 14:06:25 -0800

Timothy Litteral wrote:
> I will do these off the top of my  head and in no real
> detail.
> First, as to Rev. Blumes assertion that God remade a
> devastated world I would like to point out that Genesis
> says "In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth."  The
> theory, which a beloved friend of mine held but would not
> teach as
> doctrine, was held according to him anyways, on the
> reasoning that God doesn't create anything "empty and
> void."  When Genesis says "beginning" I think that is just
> what it means.  

You must understand that God BEGAN everything
in Gene 1:1, as you assert.  But the issue is whether there
was a GAP of time between verse 1 and verse 2 or not.  And during 
that GAP, for those who teach there WAS a gap consisting of perhaps 
millions of years, Satan rebelled and fell, and
the devastation left from the battle rendered the earth to
be void and without form.  Yes, God BEGAN all in 1:1,
but between 1:2, according to cross references, Satan fell.

Jere 4:23-26 explain that when  the earth was void and without
form (Gen. 1:2 -  NOT 1:1) the fruitful place was made a wilderness
and the cities were broken down and the mountains moved lightly.
If you check in Isaiah 14:16-17, you find the exact same description.
And Lucifer's fall was responsible for what descriptions Jere. gives
of the earth's calamlity when the world was "void and without form."

So it is not that God did BEGIN to not create in Gen 1:1,
but that AFTER verse 1 the devastation occurred - and we fill in the
blanks with Jer. 4 and Isa. 14.  THEN God rebuilt it from verse 3 onward.

In Christ,
Mike Blume