For thine own sake!

"Robert J. Brown" (rj@ELI.WARIAT.ORG)
Sat, 1 Feb 1997 15:12:27 -0600

>>>>> "shall2" == shall2  <> writes:

    shall2> Beloved, Please, take the time, check out this sight!
    shall2> Steven hall

I just read that page, and while the points made on the number of the
second person pronoun are well made, unless you are a scholar of
antiquities, you would probably find "you" easier reading that

I read the KJV almost exclusively, and I used Strongs and Youngs
lexicons along with a good unabridged dictionary when I need to be
sure I understand *ALL* the potential meanings of a word.  I prefer
the KJV becasue I am used to it, and because if I quote a verse over
the pulpit, people are more likely to have memorized the KJV version
of that verse than any other version.  It is the most quotable.

My pastor, Bro. Jack Yonts, uses the KJV most of the time over the
pultpi, but in private study, and in study with the other ministers of
his church, he prefers the NKJV.  He tells no one that they should be
using it, just that he finds it better for himself.  I repeat, he
usually quotes KJV over the pulpit.

I think the iussue of divinely inspired translation is a bunch of
bunk.  The original word is either undeniably inspired, or else it is
a blatant lie in its entirity.  Your own faith will tell you which
choice you personally make.  The translation process is an activity of
men.  If all translations are inspired, then we have nothing to
discuss, but if some are and some aren't, then how do we tell which is
whcih?  If none are, then it becomes a matter of preference.  One
would desire close conformance to the original, but different people
have different understandings of the same words.  

Most people would prefer a translation that most closely resembles the
way they themselves actually speak and think.  Only the scholars
prefer to preserve the gramatical details so they can pick nits over
the meanings.  The new convert of Bible study student should
concentrate on understanding the bigger picture before worrying about
the kind of nits we are discussion when we bicker over translations.

I do not trust the KJV to be any more accurate than the NIV, or any
other reasonably scholarly translation -- they were all translated by
trinitarians without the truth we know, so they are all uninspired
translations of an inspired original.

--------  "And there came a writing to him from Elijah"  [2Ch 21:12]  --------
Robert Jay Brown III  1 847 705-0424
Elijah Laboratories Inc.;  37 South Greenwood Avenue;  Palatine, IL 60067-6328
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