
Anthony D Barnett (adbarnett@juno.com)
Sat, 01 Feb 1997 17:55:49 EST

Bro.Harrell writes:
>Though they may serve different Gods...excuse me...gods..., then your
>statement would be correct. But let's not publicly indict them. It's a
>harsh, and does nothing for the winning of a soul.
I read somewhere that there is actually 2 "types" of Trinitarians, I
can't remember what they are "called" (other than wrong) but 1 sect
actually believes in 3 Real, Seperate, Co-equal Gods, The others say they
believe in 1 God and that He is a Spirit but that Jesus is also seperate.
I think 1 group is called Triethist (?) and th other I'm not sure of. Can
someone help me make this more clear?

Common sense should tell folks there is only 1 in the Godhead, After all,
It doesn't even seem fair that it would take 3 Gods to beat up on 1Satan.
The scripture says that the devil is (like?) a roaring lion seeking whom
*HE* may devour.....Not *they* but he. 
I know that this is not a real "deep" way of refering to the Godhead in
Christ, But since most Trinitarians don't even "get" what they "believe"
anyway, It is a nice way of lightly putting it to them without smacking
them in the face. 

God Bless You,
Andy (wasn't saved by getting slapped around) Barnett