
"Timothy Litteral" (
Sat, 1 Feb 1997 13:31:28 -0500

Rev. Blume:
> I must disagree.  ALL the book is pertinent, since I feel
it refers
> to the Church.  But I see your belief's point.  If one
feels the 
> last part after 8 is not for the Church, then one
> would not see the importance of it so much as the first

This is the reason for the caution.  I never said that the
rest wasn't 
pertinent but that once you establish the "practical"
aspects from the first 8 ch. that the other chapters only
"refine or expand" upon the principles expressed.  Just to
sum up very quickly and very incompletely:  God is revealed
in Jesus Christ.  The church is judged by Jesus Christ. 
The justified and the unjustified are rewarded in
accordance to there standing in Christ.  Your works are a
factor in judgment.  Once you hit a certain point your
future course is set since YOU will not turn ie. good can't
be changed by persecution and bad by manfestation.  God
always triumphs over Satan...  These things have no bearing
on pre, mid or post
tribulation interpretation nor do they place any in the
"lead" or in any way exclude any.  

Rev. Blume:
> Any comments about my assertion that Revelation spirals
> around the LITTLE BOOK that is sealed 7 times, and that 
> the book represents redemption?

I believe the message of all Scripture is salvation AND
damnation.  Real quick on the "little book."  The scrolls
of John's 
day or "books" were written on skins which are "dead
flesh."  7 is the number of judgment (God said that "it was
good" on the 7 th day of creation) and the number of rest
or the completion of a thing (creation was actually over on
the sixth day and then God stopped "creating").
Rev. Blume:
> Waiting for some feedback about that, what I feel, MAJOR 
> basis for the interpretation.

I haven't examined it in detail yet.  I read through ch.
1/Rev. and am ready to begin on it.  I had to get a car
running and the like or I would have had it out today.  I
am on God's schedule as are we all however.  Glory to His

This ought to be good.  I think we have established that we
can keep the volume down and this will open bit by bit if
we go chapter by chapter and not one issue will be missed. 
It will allow us to maintain an order as well as keeping
everyone fairly focused upon the same areas (well kinda).

It's 1:43 AM and I gotta sleep.  I had to rerun my phone
line and 
got a late start.

Timothy Litteral
472 Grant St.
Marion Ohio 43302