HIGHER-FIRE digest 382 (WoF)

rdevans@bellsouth.net (rdevans@bellsouth.net)
Sun, 02 Feb 1997 05:54:28 -0600

Brother Timothy, I was raised as, and believed in the Trinity. I thought 
the Oneness message was the siliest thing that I had ever heard in my life. 
Scriptures such as IJohn 5:7, and Mat 28:19 use to trouble me, I use to wish 
they weren't there, it just seemed as though people would believe the truth 
more easily without them.
  Over the years I have come to appreciate verses such as the ones mentioned. 
Let me see if I can biefly explain why.  It seems to me as though Jesus allowed
verses like these to test a person's sincerity. It's just like if everyone that
came to church would instanly be healed of any physical disability, then 
everyone would rush to the church, but for the wrong reason.
  Belief in the Oneness of God somehow go hand in hand with true holiness, 
usually churches that won't accept the Oneness do not accept the necessity of the 
baptism of the Holy Ghost nor Jesus name baptism, it all seems as though it is
a true acid test.
  I believe the Lord alway spoke of the Father as another person for a couple 
of reasons. One he always forbade the worship of anything VISABLE, and man would
not accept the fact that he was the ALmighty in the flesh. Imagine the reaction 
from his disciples if they had understood who he really was at the time he was with 
  Anyway, I was a Trinitarian, but when I began searching for real truth my eyes were 
opened. God bless you   Roger Evans