
"Robert J. Brown" (rj@ELI.WARIAT.ORG)
Sun, 2 Feb 1997 10:13:11 -0600

>>>>> "MF" == MF Blume <mfblume@ns.sympatico.ca> writes:

    MF> Everyone, check out the following:

    MF> http://www.aloha.net/%7Ebstaggs/kjb.html

Just checked it out, and in spite of the fact that this web site
upholds the KJV, which they consider the only true Bible, they
completely missed the plan of salvation!  It is still trinity and easy

Forget it folks!  The issue is not which Bible you read, it is which
God you serve.  As the Ethiopian said (to paraphrase), how can I
understand it [the Bible] unless someone explains it to me.?

Go out and hit the pavement.  TEACH HOME BIBLE STUDIES!  It matters a
whole lot less which version they read.  What really matters is how it
is explained to them.  The Bible itself tells us they need to have it
explained by someone who knows what it means.  We know.  Now go teach!

--------  "And there came a writing to him from Elijah"  [2Ch 21:12]  --------
Robert Jay Brown III  rj@eli.wariat.org  http://eli.wariat.org  1 847 705-0424
Elijah Laboratories Inc.;  37 South Greenwood Avenue;  Palatine, IL 60067-6328
-----  M o d e l i n g   t h e   M e t h o d s   o f   t h e   M i n d  ------