HIGHER-FIRE digest 382 (WoF)

"Timothy Litteral" (brotim@gte.net)
Sun, 2 Feb 1997 05:18:33 -0500

     This site is frought with so many logical errors that
I cannot address them all but will address a couple.

"•Only the manuscripts in original languages contain the
words of God." 

Only God contains the words of God

"No translation can carry over God's words perfectly.
Therefore we must learn Greek and Hebrew to follow this

Or we can listen to God.  I have told people things in the
KJV are wrong and THEN look them up to find they were added
or altered.  God can show you the truth, He wrote the
originals and has written a copy on my heart.

 •The original manuscripts are lost and gone forever. We
cannot know exactly what the words were. •We must find
where God's words are, so that we can obey this

You see these are ALL invalid IF you can speak directly to

"Only the manuscripts in original languages contain the
words of God. No translation can carry over God's words
perfectly. Therefor we must learn Greek and Hebrew to
follow this commandment." 

This statement is almost laughable.  It says that if I say
some thing in English that there is no possible way to tell
someone EXACTLY what I meant in Chinese.  Think about that.

The King James Bible, on the other hand, is translated from
the Textus Receptus (received text). The Textus Receptus is
made up of Antiocian texts, which have avoided the
corruption of Alexandrian scholars. 

Correst me if I am wrong but wasn't the proceedure to
compare all of the earlier "translations" and then if the
scholars couldn't 
"agree" that they THEN went to the Textus Receptus?

The "Amplified" was "translated from the Textus Receptus
and if it weren't for Trinitarian embellishing it would be
the best translation.

I use the KJV for many reasons but won't go into them since
others have covered most points.

This brief essay is not meant to convince anyone that the
King James Bible is the perfect word of God without error.
Rather, it is intended to introduce the necessity of study
on the Bible version issue, and only scrathces the surface
of the issue. The issue is rarely raised among Christians
today, despite the fact that we claim the Bible to be our
authority. The author hopes that you have gained an
interest on the subject, and will seek the truth.

I agree with this 100% and this "saved" the site, IMHO.  

I give it a 9 of 10.  He really needs a better background!

Timothy (still the KJV/Strong's concordance for me)
472 Grant St.
Marion Ohio 43302