Jews After Rapture?? (
Mon, 3 Feb 1997 02:50:09 -0500 (EST)

<< > Do you really believe the Jews will not have a chance?  If so  why? << >

 <Praise the Lord! How is God's little girl? At this point of tim Jews occupy
positions in both groups as do the gentiles.  Now we have the rapture in
which ALL of the saved are taken up to meet Jesus in the clouds.  This has to
be pretrib or  why the fuss about the Jews as the Jews are offered
salvation/tribulation today?  >

God's little girl is just fine, thanks!  How is God's little boy?  =D
Thanks for answering my question. I'm trying to see where you are coming from

   <<Now, who is left?  The unsaved.  God says that He is going to send a
strong  delusion upon ALL who would not believe the truth but believed the
lie.  ..........

Now I do NOT claim to be a scholar at all and Actually, (I'm hoping not to
offend anyone here) but I believe I have already seen much of the "Strong
Delusion" part. I have seen many friends leave this precious truth and take a
flock with them and it seems at first they're not really sure about it, but
the further they get, the worse they get and the bigger the lie they believe.
 I'm not speaking of those who have just backslid but of those who go to
another religeon.. gone to something less. Do any of them ever come back to
the truth? I know of no one so far (saints yes, pastors no, from what I've
personally witnessed). The first ones that left even belive that Trinity
teaching is ok. Now that's scary to me!  I don't say this to gossip, not at
all. I say this because this looks like "strong delusion or believing a lie"
to me.  If this is alreaday happening, then it's happening before the rapture
has occured (at least I hope the rapture hasn't occured yet!!!)  =). 
      Can anyone repent as we have heard so many say, you know that old "one
last chance at the chopping block thing?"  >>

LOL, when I was a little girl I used to think if I stayed close to mommy's
coat tail that I could hold on and just go with her. I've heard the chopping
block thing also  =)   I don't believe in that either. I have always
believed, for some reason though, that after the rapture No one could be
saved except the Jews. Prophecy is pretty complicated for me to graps
sometimes that is why I tend to hold tight to any definate understandings I
get. This has always been one. 

God bless you!
Laurie  =)