Word of Faith--Contexts

suprdave@lightspeed.net (suprdave@lightspeed.net)
Mon, 03 Feb 1997 15:30:32 -0800

Matthew writes:
but God's will is often mysterious and is not always manifest in a positive

The will of God can be found in the Word of God. Why is it that you have the
idea that "you never know what God's gonna do"? If His Word makes a clear
declaration, for example of our healing, why can't we "claim" our healing,
as you seem to enjoy mocking Word/Faith as "name it and claim it"?

  God's children will not always enjoy plenty.  There are lean
>times, times of discouragement and trial. 
>Paul suffered some very adverse conditions.  Was it because he was not living
>in the full potential of his faith?  Was it because he was not asking according
>to God's will?  No!  In fact, the Apostle glories in those infirmities.

This is true, unfortunately. But you, Matthew, don't represent nor
understand God's Covenant. If you really do understand the Covenant, then
you will understand the Covenant promise of Tithes and offerings (which will
probably open up another subject). Didn't God say in Malachi 3:8-10 that if
we paid our tithes and offerings, He'd open up the windows of Heaven and
pour out a blessing that there wouldn't be room enough to receive it? Moving
right along...

Yes, the Apostle Paul suffered persecution, true. And we, as Christians,
will go through persecution as well. Even Jesus said, "in the world, you
shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."
The Apostle Paul says "In everything, give thanks". He never did says to
give thanks for everything. Obviously, there are some situations that we
encounter in our lives that are uncomfortable, but in the midst of those
circumstances, we can still give thanks to God. Paul did and counted it all joy!
Matthew, my God is able to exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or
think according to the power that works in us. Eph 3:20. God desires for us
to be blessed in every area of our lives, Spiritually, Physically, and
Financially. You may not believe this, but it's Biblical and part of the New
Covenant. You can make excuses all day long why some fail to live in God's
best. But God's Word is still true and He desires His Children to live in
abundance, not lacking or in want. Remember David in the Book of Psalms. He
declared that he's never seen the righteous forsaken to his seed begging for
bread. God takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servants. Poverty is a
curse! Sickness is a curse! You might want to read the entire chapter of
Deut.28 and find out what blessings are and what curses are from God's point
of view. Maybe you'll not come against people who, like myself, who decided
to live a Victorious, Overcoming life in all areas. I'm a stranger to
failure, worry, stress, anxiety, sickness, depression, misery, and other
works of the flesh. I only live in God's best. Is there something wrong with
this? If so, tell me. 
Am I saying I never experience problems? Of course. I am human. But I do
what 1 Peter 5:7 says to do: Cast all your cares upon Him for He cares for
you. So if I cast them all on the Lord, I don't have any cares, problems or
worries because the Lord takes care of them. I am responsible for priorities
in life, but when it comes to things that I can't work out in the natural, I
give it to God. Your constant attack on Word/Faith theology is repititious
when you yourself haven't done the homework. You go by another individuals
opinions and analysis second hand. Get it first hand and then we can have a
more profitable discussion. Before you respond to me, look up those
scriptures first. Maybe you'll change your mind. However, if the Word can't
convince you, then there's nothing that I can say to convince you that God
desires the best and nothing less for His people...

Dave <><