interracial marriages

"Troy L. Fullerton" (
Mon, 3 Feb 1997 21:27:18 -0600

        There is a major flaw in your understanding on interracial
marriages.  The flaw is that God only made two original human beings. If
they are genetically similar enough to mate, then they ARE of the "same
kind".  Blue jays, robins, and sparrows may all be birds, but they are
genetically too disimilar to mate, and are hence different creatures.  Human
beings are simply not that way.
        There are no pure races of people, anyway--we are all the
descendants of Adam and Eve, and are all of the human race.  Where does one
draw the line?  Is it O.K. for a German to marry a Belgian?  Yes?  Then why
not a Swede to a Mexican?  Is it O.K. for someone who is American Indian to
marry someone who is Italian?  Why should black people be isolated within
their own skin-color group?  We don't tell blue-eyed people that they may
only marry other blue-eyed people, so why tell white-skinned people to only
marry white-skinned people.
        This whole thing is a thin veil for frank racism.  What does God
care what color you are?  And if God doesn't care, then why should you?
        We are new creatures in Christ, and the racism that has infected
Pentecost throughout recent history is a hideous, embarrassing reproach.
Let us PLEASE not add to the reproach by misinterpreting the Bible to make
it match our own cultural preferences.

Troy L. Fullerton

At 09:33 PM 2/3/97 -0800, you wrote:
>It isn't a matter of someone or a group of people
>stating that interracial marriages are wrong. It 
>isn't what you think nor what I think. We as christians are to 
>live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God(Jesus).
>The word tells us that everything is to replenish after it's own
>kind. I love everyone of God's children. I am not predjudiced
>against any color. But, according to the word of God, we should
>replenish after our own kind. >