"Timothy Litteral" (brotim@gte.net)
Mon, 3 Feb 1997 19:38:35 -0500

> I seriously feel that God will pass on by and find people
worthy of him. 

You just JUDGED ME to be unworthy of the Holy Ghost!  You
have boxed the testimony of Jesus Christ into a
"nicey-nice" box
and if I "get out" of this box you condemn ME.  To say that
a Trinitarian is going to Hell because he really doesn't
believe in God is not to condemn HIM but to make him aware
of the need for true salvation.  I condemn the strong holds
of the enemy which are Godless imaginations.

Once you have removed the beam from your own eye you are to
remove the mote from your brothers.

Someone said something about catching more flies with honey
but I thought the real task set before a Christian was to
keep the flies OUT of the honey that the children might
have it with their BREAD!

Timothy (labeled the message and not the man) Litteral
472 Grant St.
Marion Ohio 43302