Word of Faith--Contexts -Reply

Brandon Parker (Park4864@mailclerk.ecok.edu)
Tue, 04 Feb 1997 09:29:56 -0600

>>> <suprdave@lightspeed.net> 02/03/97 05:30pm >>>
Matthew writes:
but God's will is often mysterious and is not always manifest in a positive

The will of God can be found in the Word of God. Why is it that you have the
idea that "you never know what God's gonna do"? If His Word makes a clear
declaration, for example of our healing, why can't we "claim" our healing,
as you seem to enjoy mocking Word/Faith as "name it and claim it"?
Bro. Dave,

We are allowed to claim healing for our bodies and spirit because the
bible says we can.  The other situations of our lives, as far as I can tell
all God said was he would provide us with the things we need, not things we want
unless it is a soul to be saved.  That I have read scripture and can find that
but the other i just really don't see.  As humans, we just cant claim "God, I
want food, I want money, I want a wife, etc,,,"  We do have to work for it. 
That was part of the curse put 
on humanity in the book of Genesis.  God will provide us with the means
to obtain that which we need, but we do haveto reach out and take it.  
For example I wanted some spending money outside of my regular allowance when I
was in HS.  God provided a job washing dishes.  But 
I had to take the job to get the money I wanted.  
If I am wrong then may I be shown by the bible and God help me to understand
since I am only a child in the word of God.  
I never want to critizize or seem to judge, only to maybe lighten something up
with what understanding I have.  So if I come across judging, I do apoligize.

Brandon Parker
Ada, OK 
Baruch Hashem Adonai!!