Word of Faith--Contexts

suprdave@lightspeed.net (suprdave@lightspeed.net)
Tue, 04 Feb 1997 10:36:12 -0800


Yes, sickness, according to the Word of God, is a curse. Can you find it
written in the Bible that sickness is a blessing? God gets the Glory when
someone is healed of sickness. The same with the blind and crippled in the

I'd like for you to read Deut.28:1-14, then read verses 15 to the end. The
first 14 verses speak of the blessings while the latter speaks of curses.
Sickness is called a curse. This is God's definition, not mine. Yet you
start off your letter "David said..." when all along it was "God said..." 

So I'll await your response if you can show that sickness is a blessing from
God. I stand to be corrected.

Dave <>< ± † ±