Word of Faith--Contexts

suprdave@lightspeed.net (suprdave@lightspeed.net)
Tue, 04 Feb 1997 13:41:28 -0800


After reading your last post, I had to really think about writing in a way
so that you can understand clearly without having to repeat myself over and
over. You are an educated man. Let's give it another shot:

Faith-filled words spoken in accordance with the Word of God (which you call
the B-I-B-L-E) will result in a manifestation. Let me tell you from personal
experience. I was in debt about 5 years ago. I was laid off my job by my
boss (who was UPC and not happy that I left the church to attend an
Independant - another story). I made good money and paid my bills on time.
When I was laid off, you talk about trusting in God month to month, it was a
struggle financially. I had to really trust God to keep up with my monthly
obligations (about 25 bills I got myself into, yes, it was my fault that I
was in debt). But nevertheless, God has mercy and will help us.

Guess what I did? I laid out my bills on my desk, all of them, I spoke the
Word over them, saying "In Jesus Name, I'm debt free by Faith according to
your Word..." I prayed more than this, but I prayed the Word! I confessed
the Promises of God over them regarding debt and how God wants us debt free.
Believe me Matthew, if you've ever did research from the Bible only, not
some website of man's observation, you'll find that God wants us debt free.
Remember the Year of Jubilee? Well, I'll let you study that out for yourself.

I purchased materials by John Avanzini. He basically teaches Christians how
to get out of debt the proper way. He shows from scripture these principles.
I applied those methods. This was in Nov. 1994. By this time, I was very
much in debt. By April 1996, I was out of the hole 23/25 debts. The other 2
are business obligations that is owed to me personally. I co-signed under my
name. But that is coming out of someone elses pocket. 

Yes, it works brother. If you don't want to believe it, no problem. But at
least I can shout and say "I'm debt free...I'm not a servant to the borrower
and I can do more by giving to those in need and towards the gospel." 

I'd like to address one more thing...if you want to continue to quote
various Faith teachers and then call them false prophets without giving them
the benefit of the doubt to allow them to explain their position. I can't go
around defending small quotes of statements they made. 

In all honesty, what you are doing is unfair. Quoting only small portions. I
could do the same. Are you aware of a message preached by Oneness ministers
that those who practice communion with grapejuice are going to hell? Are you
aware that there are Oneness groups that don't allow you to wear neckties?
Are you aware that there are Oneness preachers who say that women are going
to hell if they wear a wedding band? Now I don't want to discuss any of
these topics. I only bring them up for the purpose of proving a point: I
could quote portions of their sermons as well and state that this is the
position of Oneness Theology. But I would be wrong in doing so. Personally,
I've never taste alcohol and I think it's wrong to use wine with alcohol in
communion. But I'm not about to say that churches that do are going to hell
and heretical. There are Oneness churches that handle rattlesnakes in their
service. They state that those who don't handle them have no faith and don't
trust in God. Is this true? Absolutely not!

My point again: I speak the Word of God (His Promises) over my circumstances
that I cannot possibly do anything about. This is where trusting in God
comes in. I cast all my cares upon Him according to 1 Peter 5:7 because He
cares for me. Jesus said "Don't worry about the necessities of life" See
Matthew 6:25-34. All God's promises are "Yes" and "Amen" See 2 Cor.1:20. Out
of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh! Are you speaking doubt,
worry, and unbelief? Or should we speak the Word, His Promises???

So Matthew, address one issue at a time and we'll have a profitable
discussion. If the Word doesn't teach it, I won't accept it. So again,
what's wrong with speaking the Promises of God over our circumstances? Do
you live your life as "que sera sera, whatever will be will be..." I hope
not. Remember, the steps of a righteous man are ordered by God. He will
never lead us into destruction or hopelessness. Amen?

Dave <>< ± † ±