Fair enough!

Stan Hallett (servant@apostolic.net)
Tue, 4 Feb 1997 18:15:32 -0600 (CST)

I just had to respond to this one.

>1. Mustaches: Some say that those who have facial hair are going to hell

Most oneness churches teach their men to be clean shaven. I personally 
believe a moustach to be a vanity item. I have never heard of a Oneness 
church teaching that if one had them that they would go to hell however. If 
in fact there are some pastors or even organizations that preach this,  they 
are a small part of Apostolic churches and are also wrong. This is not to 
say that I am against holiness teaching. I am very much in favor of it.

>2. Veils: Some teach that women who don't wear them when praying, God can't
>hear them.

A false teaching.

>3. Wedding bands: Some say that you can go to hell wearing them since it is

A false teaching. Wedding bands in our culture have a purpose and are not 
usually worn for vanity. I wonder if your watch is too dressy you might have 
problem as well.

>4. Cullocks: Considered "pants" and thus, a women can go to hell.

I would leave this one up to the individual christian. While I don't think 
that are proper church attire I don't think that someone that wore them 
without conviction would have a problem with their salvation.

>5. Trimming of hair: Some say to trim the "split ends" will cause a women to
>jeopardize her salvation.

The Bible teaches that for a woman to have short hair is a shame to her and 
that her hair is given to her for a covering. I don't think trimming off a 
few split ends would send her to hell.

>6. Wine or Grapejuice at Communion: Some say those who use grapejuice will
>go to hell.

A false teaching.

>7. Rattlesnakes: Some teach that those who don't take up serpents are not

A false teaching and a real minority group in comparison with the whole 
church. I'm a little worried about this group quite frankly.

>8. Make up: Some teach it's ok, while others teach that women are Jezebel's
>who use cosmetics.

I would not be quick to call any women Jezebel, but the person who thinks 
that make-up on a christian is okay has a problem.

>9. Short sleeve shirts: Some teach it's wrong and is too revealing...

I would leave this up to personal conviction. I'm from the old school and 
would never wear a short sleeve shirt to church.

>10. Open toed shoes: Some teach that it's wrong since this is fleshly.

Getting a little silly here. Would the woman who had no shoes go to hell 
then? (a retorical question)

>11. Sabbath: Some teach that you should go to church on Saturday as the Sabbath

As long as they go they're going in the right direction.

>12. Name in Baptism: Some say in "Jesus Name" "Lord Jesus" "Lord Jesus
>Christ" ; this has been debated amongst Oneness believers.

As long as it's "Jesus".

>13. Prophecy over tongues: A group teaches that Prophecy is the evidence of
>the Holy Ghost not tongues: Yes, a Oneness group

Again, a small portion of "oneness" that has veered off course.

>14. Holidays are wrong and should not be observed as well as birthdays

Here's another I leave to personal conviction. I am not into holidays myself 
but see nothing wrong with the customs of our people.  Interesting to note 
that only two birthday celebrations are mentioned in the Bible. . . Herod's 
and Pharoah's.

>15. Eating pork is wrong and can send a person to hell

Here's some folks the veered off course again, Paul where are you?

>These are just some differences. I could go on, but will stop here. Yes,
>these are all various Oneness groups that divide. Not all believe that you
>must speak in tongues. As I pointed out about one group, they believe the
>Gift of Prophecy is the evidence of the Holy Ghost. There are about 150+ 
>Oneness organizations.

Actually over 500 Praise God!

> All have differences that divide them. True, they are
>all agreed on the Oneness of God. Some differ on water baptism and tongues.
>My point is this: I stated that I respect their right to believe this way
>and will not take away that right. Is this ok to do? 

If in fact they preach baptism in Jesus name and believe that the infilling 
of the Holy Spirit is with the evidence of speaking in other tongues and 
have fullfilled both then they are part of the church and are our christian 
brothers and sisters. I also feel however that we have an obligation to 
share the full gospel with them.

Gatalatians 1:7-9    "But there be some that trouble you, and would pervert 
the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any 
other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be 
accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other 
gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed."

I hope you don't get angry at me for responding to all of those things. I 
know that is not what you intended. I just felt compelled.

In short, I believe in Biblical Holiness standards but I also think we need 
to get our eyes on Jesus instead of finding fault with each other. There are 
some areas that are in dangerous territory however, like the snake handling. 
Bro. Stan Hallett

The Apostolic Voice

Apostolic Christian Life Center