PC Humore .... nyuk, nyuk

Tyler Nally (tnally@gisg.gi.net)
Wed, 5 Feb 1997 14:41:00 -0600

Greetings Saints in Jesus name!

Yep!  Here's some nyuk, nyuk's for your
enjoyment pleasure..... and they're all 
PC... nope.... not Politically Correct...
the other kind of PC.... personal computer...


Bro Tyler


		    PC Humor

	Q. What lizards like to sit on PCs?
	A. Monitors.

	Q. How do cold PC programmers feel?
	A. IC.

	Q. What do Wiccan computer experts ride in?
	A. A hex bus.

	Q. How do memory chip experts want their payment?
	A. In cache.

	Q. How do programmers write a debt notice?
	A. I/O U.

	Q. How did the Hunchback of Notre Dame surf the Net?
	A. With a quasi-modem.

	Q. How is Seagate like a rutted road?
	A. They both make hard drives.

	Q. What kind of lingerie do lady programmers like?
	A. Softwear.