interracial marriages (
Wed, 05 Feb 1997 16:38:32 -0800

You wrote:

 Sickness is neither a blessing nor a curse. Are you going to sit there Dave
>and tell me that you never have body aches or catch a cold? Both of these are
>indeed forms of sickness!

Yes, I've been attacked with symtoms. As a matter of fact, back in November,
a cold almost took away my voice. I was scheduled to preach that evening. I
couldn't even talk. But I began speaking the Promises of Healing stating "By
His stripes, I am Healed!" (Present tense)  I didn't say "I'm going to be
healed" (future tense) according to Isaiah 53:5. Guess what? I got my voice
back before service and preached like the House was on fire!
>I think you'd be lying if you say you have never had either of the above, or
>that no one in the WoF churches has ever been diagnosed and even DIED of
>cancer or pneumonia or heart attack.
Yes, there are cases that this happens. But thank God I'm not God and don't
know everything. I leave that between the individual and God. Moving right

>Sickness and disease is a natural part of the body. That's why God made it
>within our system to ward off certain types of sickness...a natural healing
>if you will. Sometimes, when we don't take care of ourselves, our immune
>system goes down, and we catch certain things.

Was sickness in the Garden of Eden before the fall of man? No. Then it's a
curse. Read Deut.28:15 to the end of the chapter. Sickness is called a
"curse" by God. I didn't write that. God did. If you have disagree, you're
not disagreeing with me, but God Almighty.
>And actually, sickness can be a blessing, because sickness helps to build up
>our immune system....
God only gets Glory from us being Healed, not by us being sick. I have
studied nutrition (vitamins, minerals, and herbs)  quite a bit. I haven't
found that sickness helps our immune system any. Could you verify that for
me and give me some examples?

Dave <>< ± † ±