[Fwd: Re: nail on the head]

moon@netjava.com (moon@netjava.com)
Fri, 7 Feb 1997 10:49:09 -0600 (CST)

Bro. Blume

This is a very interesting thought. Thanks so much for having the courage to 
post it. You've got my mind to thinking, because I've questioned many of the 
prophesy teachings. This has been very interesting. Thanks....

On Thu, 06 Feb 1997, MF Blume <mfblume@ns.sympatico.ca> wrote:
>In Christ,
>Mike Blume
>X-Mozilla-Status: 0001
>Message-ID: <32FA9886.5A0A@ns.sympatico.ca>
>Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 18:50:46 -0800
>From: MF Blume <mfblume@ns.sympatico.ca>
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.02E-SYMPA  (Win16; I)
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>To: "Tarik L. Carey" <tlcarey@uwimona.edu.jm>
>Subject: Re: nail on the head
>References: <Pine.SUN.3.95.970206093214.26203A-100000@minotaur.uwimona.edu.jm>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Tarik L. Carey wrote:
>> DEar MF what are you trying to say that the anti christ is our self and
>> not a literal hyuman being?Please clarify
>I am saying that the only cross reference to 2 Thess 2 (Mention of the 
>"son of perdition" defiling the temple as God, whom God shall destroy) 
>in the New testament which deals with the TEMPLE and God destroying someone 
>who DEFILES it is found in 1 Cor, and refers to our bodies as the temple.
>And it alos mentions God destroys those who defile His temple.
>Rather than ask me if I am saying there is no personal antichrist to come,
>you should examine the verses I cross-referenced and see error in my reasoning.
>To be sure, fallen self is antichrist.
>The number of the beast is a number of "a man".  When people will worship
>themselves by refusing to do God's will, they are antichrist.  Man worship.
>Perhaps an individual will arise who will lead all humanity to worship 
>self (many such "religious" leaders exist NOW). But nevertheless, I was 
>pointing out that 2 Thess. 2's reference to the holy place is NOT a 
>reference to a literal temple, since God nor the apostles would ever 
>refer to a literal building as the temple after the age of foreshadowing 
>expired, and the TRUE temple, from then on, is the Church and the body 
>of Christ.
>To sum it up quickly: Any reference  to a temple, holy place or sanctuary
>in the New Testament, besides the obvious references made by passers-by of the 
>literal temple that stood and fell in 70 AD (Matt 24:1), that is involved 
>in teaching the church about things to come or spiritual realities will 
>NOT be references to a literal temple.  
>This is especially evident when comparing the two accounts written by Paul 
>which are 2 Thess 2:4,8 and 1 Cor 3:17.
>Paul would not call a literal temple the "temple of God" since God 
>has nothing to do with physical temples of buildings any longer.
>So, if there is a single man to come called Antichrist (when nothing
>in the New testament refers to The "Antichrist" as if it was a single
>individual), 2 Thess 2 is not a reference to it. Saying "The Antichrist"
>in the sense that we refer to single human to come, is speaking an 
>unbiblical term.  Only John writes of "antichrist", and he implies there 
>are many, not just one to come.
>In Christ,
>Mike Blume

Deut 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:
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