How we got the races (
Mon, 10 Feb 1997 14:39:01 -0500 (EST)

You asked:
Please explain how humans created the differences in the races? I am not
challenging you, just curious where you are coming from. 

It is very simple. Throughout the years, people have moved to different parts
of the world. You have people in America, Europe, Asia, etc. People in each
area of the world have married with people that live arround them. This has
caused  the same genes to be pasted around this same area. That is why you
have mostly white skin in England, mostly brown skin in Latin America,
etc.(same genes create almost same people).  These peolpe have intermarried
with one another, and they share many same genes. Thus, you get a race. I
hope I answered you question. 


Robert Nava