Makeup (was Re: fair enough)

"James H. Cape" (
Mon, 10 Feb 1997 23:06:13 -0800

Robert J. Brown wrote:
> If you consider that the principal color of most makeup is some shade
> of red, and consider that it is used to cover up some blemish. some
> defect, some deficiency, then consider that sin is the condemning
> defect and that blood is the only covering for sin, and that Jesus
> shed his blood as the final sacrifice for sin, and that the church is
> washed in his blood at water baptism, then you will understand that
> makeup is the devil's substitue for the blood of Jesus.  The devil
> always has a substitute, but I want the real thing!
> I don't understand why there are many legalistic ideas placedon the outward appearance of a person.  The Word of God tells us that
the carnal mind is enmity with God.  With the carnal mind we dwell on
carnality(flesh). In other words, the flesh is opposition with God; hostile.
Why should one place so much emphasis on something that doesn't
or should I say, isn't in agreement with God to start with. This motral shall
put on immortality. If pentecostal people placed as much emphasis on
loving individuals  as they do om condemning, then what a more
harmonious church-world we would have. I know that pentecostals place 
a lot of emphasis on the outward adornment. I was raised in a trinitarian
church that held to the same legalistic governing dogma that I see in some
of the one-God churches. Why?  When Jesus revealed himself to me,
I repented of all the teachings of man and thank God(Jesus), I was 
set free. Jesus said, "you judge after the flesh, I judge no man".

                 Jim Cape
> --
> --------  "And there came a writing to him from Elijah"  [2Ch 21:12]  --------
> Robert Jay Brown III  1 847 705-0424
> Elijah Laboratories Inc.;  37 South Greenwood Avenue;  Palatine, IL 60067-6328
> -----  M o d e l i n g   t h e   M e t h o d s   o f   t h e   M i n d  ------