Answers to questions

MF Blume (
Wed, 12 Feb 1997 10:46:40 -0800 wrote:
> > But the references to Peter's flood and the "world that then was" seems to
> > distinguish it from Noah's flood.  In Noah's flood the world remained the
> > same.
> > In the Pre-adamic flood, the world was definitely renovated, and life was
> > created again.
> Interesting point...
> Gen 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and
> multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the
> fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing
> that moveth upon the earth.
> If Adam and Eve were the first humans on the earth, why would God tell them
> to "replenish" the earth? to "replenish" something is to restore it to an
> original
> condition or state.

Exactly.  When something was stocked with a particular set of items
and was made empty, the container must be replenished.

> Other interesting points to ponder:
> Where did Adams grandchildren come from?
> When Cain went to Nod, where did those people come from?

If you hold to the thought that Adam and Eve was the only creation of God
then their sons married sisters.

There is what is called "black genes" in which a close sexual relationship
between relatives produces abnormal children.  These children have what
has been called "black genes".  This is interesting in light of the 
fact that the human body greatly degraded in the time following the flood
of Noah.  Man went from living hundreds of years old to merely 120,
and then down to 70.  (Some blame the breaking down of an ice canopy
over the world which allowed harmful radiation to fall to earth
from the sun when that raditation was screened by an ince canopy.
Many facts support this speculation.  As raditaion is now a problem
since the OZONE layer broke down somewhat, there seemed to be a breakdown
of another canopy or "layer" around the earth in Noah's day when the
flood kicked the earth out of axis, and waters came from above (See Gen.'s 
second day)).  

So when the human body degraded, it became weaker and more susceptible 
to damage.  Thus, what may have not been unhealthy to a ptotential
child through the relationship of close relatives was rendered dangerous
since that time.  (Just folks' opiniosn I have heard).

So there would have been no danger for Adam's children to intermarry
at that time.  Many Law sof God are merely for the protection
of our health, as well as symbolic significance today.  Perhaps
oincest forbiddance was one such law, when in Adam's day, the human
body was so much superior to our's that such production of "black
genes" would not have occurred through incest.

> Did God create other people at the same time he created Adam, but only
> followed Adams life story?

Another thought is taht some feel that Genesis' day 6 involved humans
BEFORE Adam, since the accounts of chapter one and chapter 2 concerning 
creation seem to imply two separate creations.

They say that in day five God created the fisah and the FOWL from 
the water, but in Gen 2:19 says the fowl came from the GROUND!!!!! 
They feel God created Eve AFTER the animals, but ADAM before the animals
in the SECOND CREATION.  But the humans in Chapter One were created
AFTER the animals.

They also point out that Satan must have fallen between Gen 2:3 and 2:4,
rather than 1:1 and 1:2.  And that the destruction left from the 
battle with the devil - dust and ruin - God made man as the ultimate
insult to Satan.  From the dust of Satan's devastation in the earth,
God raised up Adam, God's greatest creation.

They also point out that Gen 1:26 said God desired to make man
in his image and likeness, but "man" was only made in God's image 
in verse 27.  But ADAM was made in His LIKENESS in Gen 5:1.  And the term
image refers to appearance, whereas likeness refers to character.

I do not agree with that assessment, but it could be right!  :-)

In Christ,
Mike Blume