How old is Earth? (
Wed, 12 Feb 1997 17:39:23 -0600

Gia Moran wrote:
> I've been taught that the earth is around 6,000 years old, but I have never
> heard supporting evidence. I believe this number has been deduced from the
> "begats" found in Genesis.
> Can someone explain why the secular world dates the earth in the millions
> and billions? On what do they base their theory (and it IS a theory)?
> ----------------------------
> Gia Moran

 Hello Gia, I thought you might beinterested in a WebSite,  Type in 
Christian Answers", there are some pretty good Bible orentied outfits 
listed. You might find some answers to many of your questions.
  Also if you write ICR O.O.Box 2667 ,El Cajon CA, 92021, and ask them 
to put you on their mailing list for ACTS AND FACTS, it's free. 
Although they are by no means Oneness, but they have some very good 
science materials. Hope this helps. Anything else you can email me at
        Roger Evans