How old is Earth?

Brian K Berger (
Thu, 13 Feb 1997 06:13:38 EST

On Wed, 12 Feb 1997 07:53:46 -0600 "Gia Moran" <>
>I've been taught that the earth is around 6,000 years old, but I have 
>heard supporting evidence. I believe this number has been deduced from 
>"begats" found in Genesis.
You simply take the age of Adam at the firstborn- 130. Then add the age
of Seth at his firstborn-105. Then the next I think is 90 and so on and
so on. You will see that many of the ages of two men over lap. Noah and
Methusaleh. Yet Methusaleh was the oldest man to live. What a waste to
see that he seemingly died in the flood. Of Course we also see that Shem
was an associate of Terah and Abraham most assurredly was of first hand
knowledge of the flood. Another interesting study of the ages in the
Bible. Follow them through the Old Testament then you see that 4000 BC
was the age from Adam to Christ. Bro Arlo Moelenpah was my teacher at
Bible College and we spent nearly a week on this subject. I have used it
in the teen class and it still endures that the Scripture is true.

Brian Berger
Manchester, NH