Make-up and other adornments

"Troy L. Fullerton" (
Fri, 14 Feb 1997 23:47:53 -0600

        The word of God was never meant to be an all-inclusive manual of
do's and don'ts.  Specifically, the church was the example of those who, not
having the law, "do by nature the things contained in the law...",
fulfilling the righteousness of the law written in our hearts, "[our]
conscience also bearing witness, and [our] thoughts, the mean while accusing
or excusing one another"(Romans 2:14,15).  Jesus said the Holy Ghost would
lead us into all truth.  The Holy Ghost, coupled with the principles of the
word of God, teach us what to take up and what to lay down.
        We are told to work out our salvation with fear and trembling.  We
are to apply the word of God to our lives, obeying not only the specific
details being addressed in a commandment, but also the "spirit" of the
commandment.  For example, there is no specific, direct scripture which
tells us not to use tobacco, yet we know it's wrong--we can see scriptural
principles that tobacco use violates, and it's in our hearts from the Holy
        By the same token, we can look at this scripture:

        "In like manner also, that women adorn
        themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and
        sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or
        costly array; 
        But (which becometh women professing
        godliness) with good works."  1 Timothy 2,9 10

        ...and infer a holiness principle--that women are not to be
"decorating" the outer man, but that as Christians, their beauty needs to be
the spirit they
demonstrate.  Now, he only specifically  mentioned certain items.  He didn't
specifically say not to use emeralds or rubies, did he?  He didn't denounce
plastic jewelry, did he?  Nor did he discuss dying the hair, nail polish,
nor any of a number of other outward adornments.  But the principle taught
here was quite plain---that we are not to let our adornment be outward, but
inward.  What is make-up?  It is solely an outward adornment, and therefore,
it violates this principle.  There are other scriptures that relate to this,
        Has it ever occurred to you that holiness in Apostlic ranks is under
fierce attack?  God called us out of the phoniness and facades of the
world---and that includes painted on beauty.  I don't want people to see the
cheap beauty I can wear in the form of jewelry or hair-dye, etc.  I want
them to see the Lord shining through my life.  If they notice me, I want
them to see Christ in me.  I want to be a beautiful person, not just look
nice on the outside.  The world needs to see Christ in my life-style,
honesty, and dependability.  When they see me, I want them to see a loving,
gentle spirit and a kind disposition.  I want to be beautiful because of the
fruit of the spirit, not because I am "made-up".

Troy Fullerton