How old is Earth?

Brian K Berger (
Sat, 15 Feb 1997 06:28:13 EST

On Fri, 14 Feb 1997 12:16:07 -0600 "Robert J. Brown" <>
>Methusaleh died in the flood???  I thought he died before the flood
>began, and that the flood had to wait until he did die.
Well I do not know if this needed a smiley for tongue in cheek or not
since it was not there. All I do know is that if you reference the Old
Testament men on a time  line and look at the age of methusaleh then the
time line ends with the flood. I conclude that he died in the same year
of the flood which brings the hypothesis that he did in fact die in the
flood. I challenged my tenn class when I taught them  (I teach the
younger kids now) that they should consider just how old he may have
lived to if he did not die. 

Not a salvation point but then neither again is if Jepthnah litterally
sacrificed his daughter- just good start for discussion to show that the
Scripture is still true.

Brian Berger
Manchester, NH