How old is Earth?

Brian K Berger (
Mon, 17 Feb 1997 19:03:12 EST

I can surmise he died that same year but what is so definate that he did
NOT die in the flood. I read over the weekend the helps in the back of my
Bible which had a chart of the age of the first born and I see Methusaleh
being a first hand contemporary of Adam himself or of at least Seth. He
would have then been able to give Noah and his three sons second hand
knowledge of the account of the expulsion. To the same degree that Terah
could have given the account from Shem... 

Brian Berger
On Sat, 15 Feb 1997 02:03:19 -0500 (EST) writes:
>Bro. Brown,  You are exactly right, He died the same year the flood 
>he did not die in the flood.
>Pastor Fitzgerel
>Salt Lake City, Ut.