God didn't do a good job??

suprdave@lightspeed.net (suprdave@lightspeed.net)
Mon, 17 Feb 1997 18:09:40 -0800

Dennis wrote:
>I do believe that if we as true Apostolics will let the Holy Ghost do
>what Jesus intended for the Holy Ghost to do, Make-up will be one of
>those vices that will fall by the wayside, just as drugs, drinking,
>adulteries, swearing, smoking did.
>Would a person with a real upper room EXPERIENCE and living for God say
>2-5-10-15-20 years be wearing that stuff?? I am willing to step out on to
>a limb and say I DON'T THINK SO.   
One cannot compare make-up with adultery, drugs, drinking or smoking. This
is really stretching it.

If one studies the customs of the women back in Biblical times, you'll find
that they did wear make-up. However, you'll have to study this out for
yourself. If you have a Bible Encyclopedia or something that discusses the
history of this subject, it should answer your question. Not every subject
is discussed in detail in the Bible.

Dave <>< ± † ±