Is baptism required?

"Timothy Litteral" (
Mon, 17 Feb 1997 10:30:45 -0500

A former charismatic-turned-Calvinist (they believe in
predestination) asked me the same question about the theif
on the cross (If he didn't have to do it, why should I?) I
brought this argument to his attention, and he couldn't
refute it.

While Jesus and the theif were hanging on the cross the Law
was still 
in effect.  What was required to have your sins covered
under the Law?  A SACRIFICE.  Jesus was the sacrifice for
the thief therein making His LAST ACT the fulfilment of the
Law, not only for this theif but for all under the Law. 
This is why I said earlier that the Law was in effect UNTIL
the DEATH of Jesus on the cross since that is the one
single EVENT that all the other sacrifices were "covering"
the sins and in a sense "pushing" the "bill" for them to
the moment that Jesus cried "It is finished!" or "The Law
is fulfilled!" or "The bill is paid!"

Remember that Jesus died before the thief.  He had to in
order that He (Jesus) would be a sacrifice for him (thief).

Timothy Litteral
472 Grant St.
Marion Ohio 43302