God didn't do a good job??

Harrell01@aol.com (Harrell01@aol.com)
Tue, 18 Feb 1997 13:45:10 -0500 (EST)


 I really don't see that wearing glasses or a hearing aid is an improvement
 one's self.  I wear glasses and it's out of a necessity so that I can see
and if I
 was to wear a hearing aid it would also out of necessity so I could hear
 someone speaks.


 The original response was that the wearing of make-up is the same as saying
 that God didn't do a good job creating an individual. My rebuttal was that
 that was the case, then we are more justified saying that when we put on
 glasses and hearing-aids...


 I do have to agree though that if a person exercised he/she could be doing
it to 
 improve upon themselves, but i would hope it was for health purposes and not
 develop a physique to draw attention to one's self.


 I do it for both reasons...health and looks. First, we have a history of
 disease in my family, so exercise does the body good. Secondly, I don't
 a child of God should "appear" as a glutton....not saying that all big
people are
 gluttons and small people are not. I think a child of God should "appear" to

 be temperate in all things. 
 Make-up an improvement???  Natural beauty is God-given and maybe it
 shouldn't be pampered with.

 Then so is God-given physical ability...chuck off the glasses and hearing
 God created you imperfect, so leave it that way!
 Who is the one to decide the depth and width of moderation?

 I guess no one...I've seen some that I think are moderate, and I've seen
 hookerish looking people in the church too. I think if I can tell you wear
 from a distance of 20 feet, then it's too much. I don't have a problem with
 woman who doesn't feel condemned about wearing some (pardon me if I call
 this wrong...) mascara??? (the stuff that they put on the face to hide
 That's about the only thing I don't have a problem with...the eye stuff and
 lipstick and the stuff that makes the skin colors that it's not supposed to
be, In
 my opinion, is not moderate.
 I do believe that if we as true Apostolics will let the Holy Ghost do
 what Jesus intended for the Holy Ghost to do, Make-up will be one of
 those vices that will fall by the wayside, just as drugs, drinking,
 adulteries, swearing, smoking did.

 I agree that in time, the Holy Ghost may begin to deal with a person about
 things, but if they come into the church and get saved and you see them in 
 church the next Sunday with those things, I don't think we have any right to
 say she isn't saved. Remember, make-up and jewelry are things that are
 by the pastors...maybe with good reason, maybe for their own personal gain,
 we cannot deny someone salvation because they haven't not been brought to
 that point yet.

 There is a beautifully saved sister in our church who visited one day with a
 got baptized and got saved. She wore make-up and jewelry in the world, and
 that she's in church, she hasn't totally come out of it yet, but do you
think that by
 hammering her about it, it will strengthen her salvation? NO WAY!

 Would a person with a real upper room EXPERIENCE and living for God say
 2-5-10-15-20 years be wearing that stuff?? I am willing to step out on to
 a limb and say I DON'T THINK SO.

 We would hope they wouldn't still be wearing it, but ya never know. Again,
 not our position to say that they aren't saved if they wear it.
 Jezebel is there any connection between your fornication and that stuff
 on your FACE??   :-/

Me (and Jezebel):
 If the make-up has that seductive power to seduce His servants or those
 that are not His servants to fornication and other sins then it's wrong!

 We don't know that it was the make-up that has the seductive power, or just
 the power of the woman herself...(Eve, Delilah, Bathsheba, etc, etc....)

 These post have been very interesting and have enjoyed reading them esp.
 about the grease from McD's :-) 

 Yeah, the grease thing was very interesting as a matter of fact...I just
 it was true and not just an attempt to put down make-up.

 Let me reiterate again, that I don't care for women wearing make-up, but
 again, I'm not a woman, so I can't really make an opinion about that. It
 be like a woman DECLARING that men should not wear necktie...in fact, I had
 a woman pastor tell me to stop wearing neckties with flower designs or
 colors on them because she felt that they were homosexual ties...