How old is Earth?

Deckard (
Tue, 18 Feb 1997 21:16:16 -0500 (EST)

At 07:58 PM 2/17/97 -0500, you wrote:
>> Not a salvation point but then neither again is if Jepthnah litterally
>> sacrificed his daughter- just good start for discussion to show that the
>> Scripture is still true.
>He didn't?  WHo do you know this?  I read this story a while back a it
>desturbed me, I didn't understand the whole purpose of it.  I couldn't
>understand the fact that God would actually want him to do it.

Actually, it was Jepthah's ignorance of the Scriptures that caused him to
sacrifice his daughter.  The Bible says that if a man sins through his
ignorance (as Jepthah did in this vow), he could offer a sacrifice and be
forgiven (and by implication released from the vow).  See Number 15:27.

Rex Deckard