God didn't do a good job??

"Timothy Litteral" (brotim@gte.net)
Tue, 18 Feb 1997 19:28:36 -0500

Bro. Harrell"
>  The original response was that the wearing of make-up is
the same as saying
>  that God didn't do a good job creating an individual. My
rebuttal was that
> if
>  that was the case, then we are more justified saying
that when we put on
>  glasses and hearing-aids...

What about our skin?  Isn't this enough of a covering? 
Didn't God 
do a good enough job making a covering for human beings
whne he made our skin, why do we need cloths at all?

This is what happens when we try to reason instead of
reading and expounding upon what is written.  CAN eye
glasses be vain?  YES!
Are they saying that God didn't do a good enough job? 
Yeah, in a sense.  Is this a sin?

When we cut down a tree and shape it into a chair we are
saying that we don't like the shape that God put it in.  Is
this a sin?  No!
God said that the Earth is ours to do with as WE see fit as
long as we stay in His "GUIDELINES."  

The question is not whether we have the right to alter the
shape of things to AID ourselves or to expand our
capabilities but whether this manipulation of the world God
has given us is in line with His will.  Vainity is the sin.
 The make-up is not unclean but what it causes the woman to
THINK is.  A 4 inch wide skirt is not unclean
(it could be used for a wipe rag) until a woman PUTS IT ON
and uses it to hide just enough of herself to cause a man
to wonder about the rest.  Last time I checked a time peice
was a USEFUL thing to have, as are my glasses and teeth
when I can afford them.
Now if I am vain about my teeth I should not get them. 
What if I am not vain?  If the purpose of them is to EAT
what does it hurt if they look good?

We all must wear clothes.  Paul and Peter said ONLY for
women not to wear FLASHY clothes since this presents the
wrong IMAGE
for a GODLY woman.  Don't wear too flashy a watch.  Don't
"Elton John" eye glasses.  If you are vain about your plain
white T shirt it is sin.
Bro. Tim