
Diogenes (
Wed, 19 Feb 1997 09:12:31 -0500

MF Blume wrote:
> James H. Cape wrote:
> > What Jesus spoke concerning
> > the destruction of the temple was not so much a revealing as it was
> > prophecy.
Jesus revealed to the disciples that the temple would be destroyed.  
Jesus prophecied that the temple would be destroyed.  
In what way are these statements different?  
Is one more true than another?
Are they synonomous or antonymous?

There is Psycho-babble and then there is Bible-Babble (Something might
sound as if it has meaning but upon reflection it is meaningless).  I am
trying to relate to the subtleties between revealing and prophecy, and I
keep arriving at the same place this sounds like Bible-Bable.

I think that you have ignored the scripture in favor of your opinion. Is
there any  scriptural argument against what is an obvious conclusion? 
I.E. Mat 24, Lk 21, Mk 13 and no chapter in John, for John has an entire
book related to what Jesus spoke of.

Is Rev. totally unrelated to those gospels, as you infer with your
post?  Please I am uninformed concering your idea of revealing and
prophecy.  I am needing something concrete to help me understand.  Your
post is to me ummmm without merit.

Revelation - apakolypsis - removing of the veil