Military untactfullness .... nyuk, nyuk

Tyler Nally (
Wed, 19 Feb 1997 10:15:21 -0600

Greetings Saints in Jesus name!

Here's a nyuk, nyuk that I can imagine has happened
at one time or another in the military services...

>Bro Tyler


>The Captain called the Sergeant in. "Sarge, I just got a telegram 
>that Private Jones' mother died yesterday. Better go tell him and
>send him in to see me." 
>So the Sergeant calls for his morning formation and lines up 
>all the troops. "Listen up, men," says the Sergeant. "Johnson, report
>the mess hall for KP. Smith, report to Personnel to sign some 
>papers. The rest of you men report to the Motor Pool for
>maintenance. Oh by the way, Jones, your mother died, report 
>to the commander." 
>Later that day the Captain called the Sergeant into his office. 
>"Hey, Sarge, that was a pretty cold way to inform Jones his mother
>died. Couldn't you be a bit more tactful, next time?" 
>"Yes, sir," answered the Sarge. 
>A few months later, the Captain called the Sergeant in again 
>with, "Sarge, I just got a telegram that Private McGrath's mother died.
>You'd better go tell him and send him in to see me. This time be 
>more tactful." 
>So the Sergeant calls for his morning formation. "Ok, men, fall in 
>and listen up." "Everybody with a mother, take two steps forward."