HIGHER-FIRE digest 404

"K. Glen Smith" (ksmith@cswnet.com)
Wed, 19 Feb 1997 15:20:59 +0000

> You see, man looks on the outward appearance (this is not the true witness
> although appropriate dress is important) but God looks at the heart, and
> that is what the world is looking at. They are tired of facades. As a matter
> of fact, dress code standards doesn't draw a person to Christ. It's the Love
> of God and by His Spirit that one is drawn to Jesus Christ. It's the living
> Jesus inside of us that the world needs.
> Dave <>< _ å _

Although it's true that somebody can look holy on the outside and be 
rotten to the core, if you're right on the inside, then you will look 
right on the outside.  The only exception being somebody who just 
received the Holy Ghost and doesn't know better yet.  Besides, the 
"dress code" part of what separates us from the world.  
    K. Glen Smith