A Profits Homepage

Brian K Berger (berger@juno.com)
Thu, 20 Feb 1997 21:01:40 EST

On Sat, 15 Feb 1997 16:02:33 -0600 (CST) servant@apostolic.net (Stan
Hallett) writes:
>have written to this man regarding his hate messagel, 
>refuses to respond to me or to remove or edit this material.
These are some of the points that Bro Bassett so well brought out on our
discussion of whether the UPC should regulate the internet or not. The
archives must show the posts, and I was amazed at the insight Bro Bassett
showed toward this same spirit that he saw becoming a problem. We can
regulate our TV's and radios but the internet will have no controls
because these loose cannons run free. Interesting to note that the Boston
Public Library wanted to limit the use of Pornography on the internet by
school age children using the computers in an after school workshop. They
were opposed by the ACLU due to "infringement of the first
amendment".They continue unhindered. If a 8 year old wants to they can go
to the BLS and look at ANYTHING unsupervised- since it is "their right to
do so" .Makes one wonder if you ask the church to limit their viewing on
the internet are we open to lawsuit and also do we now need a new slander
insurance clause to go along with the ones we now carry for misconduct?

Bro Bunch start getting the forms ready I see some massive sales here...

:)  :)    :)    :)   :) 

Brian Berger
Manchester, NH